GTU QUIZ is an App for practicing Multiple Choice Questions (QUIZ) as per the degree and diploma engineering syllabus of Gujarat Technological University (GTU), Ahmedabad.
Added Mock Test for the preparation of the GTU Examination.
Mock Test solution has been added to review the test.
The App covers degree course subjects Computer, Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering branches of Semester IV, VI, and all the subjects of the first year. The diploma course covers subjects of semester IV. It helps students of GTU to prepare for the QUIZ examination. The App consists of QUIZ of every topic from all the units, covering the entire syllabus.
Steps to select your branch and semester:
- Launch app
- Select Category - Bachelor of Engineering or Diploma Engineering
- Select Subcategory - Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and First Year
- Select subject and semester both are together.
- Now select Chapter which one you want to do
-Now start your Quiz
How to Play Quiz
-Quiz game has 4 options
-For each right answer 5 points will be given.
-minus 2 points for each question
-Use of Lifeline: You can use only once per Chapter
-50 – 50: for remove two options out of Four(deduct 4 coins ).
-Skip question: you can pass question without minus points(deduct 2 coins).
-Audience poll: use audience paul for check other users choose option(deduct 4 coins).
-Reset timer: Reset timer again if you needed more time score (deduct 2 coins).
This app helps students to refresh their concepts during exam preparation. It acts as a handy guide during exam time.